“Gravity holds a different story”

THAT, my friends, is my favorite client quote of the week… I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, women are intuitive and know their bodies…especially you postpartum moms who are in your early weeks/months and your primal instincts are at their prime. A little backstory: the particular client who nailed this quote isContinue reading ““Gravity holds a different story””

Life doesn’t have to suck.

My postpartum clients always inspire me. They are hardworking, compassionate, intelligent, and intuitive women. They want to do the best they can in their role as a mother, but also desperately crave those treasured moments alone so they can simply be themselves or squeeze in a quick moment of exercise, rest, or companionship with aContinue reading “Life doesn’t have to suck.”

Why we need more than just “core and pelvic floor” strength to return to postpartum exercise safely…

If you’re postpartum, chances are you (hopefully) have been exposed to the idea that your core and pelvic floor muscles are important in your postpartum recovery. And seeking guidance from a pelvic floor physical therapist is crucial in getting individualized assessments and treatments in order to get you back to your desired exercise activity asContinue reading “Why we need more than just “core and pelvic floor” strength to return to postpartum exercise safely…”

Postpartum Nourishment and Hormone Rebalance

“My doctor said my back pain is normal and that all postpartum woman have pain. I was told it was no big deal, and that it’ll go away on its own. Only it hasn’t. And now it’s getting worse. I am so frustrated that I can’t exercise or even take care of my kids…” “IContinue reading “Postpartum Nourishment and Hormone Rebalance”

Health Coaching – the postpartum support you never new existed

Remember that frustrated feeling you had when you felt like your voice was stifled even though you knew something wasn’t right…? Newsflash: women can be their own healthcare leaders. Women can be trusted to take their health into their own hands, especially when provided with scientifically-backed and evidenced-based options and tools for tapping into their ownContinue reading “Health Coaching – the postpartum support you never new existed”

“He just doesn’t understand!?!”

“He just doesn’t understand sometimes!” … “I don’t feel like I have the support that I need.” “I don’t feel cared for.” … “I am not getting the affection that I desire.” Let’s face it – having a baby in the household can be stressful. Literally everything in your world has changed (think: anatomy, physiology,Continue reading ““He just doesn’t understand!?!””

Rest – Go and get you some!

Imagine if you, dear postpartum mother, started to not feel so great… You’re tired, a little run down, achy, a little short-fused… Maybe the pain that you had before has suddenly increased. Was it the long day sitting at the computer? A long day managing the kids at home? There just seems to be noContinue reading “Rest – Go and get you some!”

The Inner Critic

If you were to broadcast your inner thoughts out into the world, what would people think? Recently, this question was brought up in a discussion I was having with a postpartum physical therapy client. Such a good question, right?! What would people think of your inner thoughts? Truth be told, my initial inner response toContinue reading “The Inner Critic”

Pelvic Organ Prolapse: Build a Better House

Ladies, you’ve just completed the most athletic endeavor of your entire life (or really the most physically demanding experience that any human can endure): you’ve been pregnant for many months and then gave birth or had a c-section in order to finally hold your baby(ies) in your arms. Let’s just say that during that processContinue reading “Pelvic Organ Prolapse: Build a Better House”

The pace (and price) of modern day life…

For the women out there who are juggling a hundred things all day/every day (and are getting tired of doing so), this Tedx Talk is for you…

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